أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث


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أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

The Arctic Fox is a small fox found commonly in the arctic regions of the world.Measuring a little less than three feet in length, this fox is mottled brown in the summer and pure white in the winter. Adult foxes weigh between six and twenty pounds, though most are closer to six. Its thick fur coat helps insulate it from the freezing temperatures and windswept snow. The arctic fox is the ultimate survivor. It will eat just about anything including insects, small mammals, birds, ducks, geese, eggs, and even an occasional snowy owl. Lemmings, small mouse- like mammals, are its most common prey. In fact, when populations of lemmings crash every three or four years, so do populations of foxes. Arctic foxes will eat berries and seaweed as well. When food is scarce, arctic foxes become .scavengers. The arctic fox is sometim preyed upon by polar bears Arctic fox vixens (female foxes) can give birth to as many as 25 kits (baby foxes) in the springtime (the largest of any carnivore). Most litters, however, contain between five and eight kits. Both male and .female foxes help take care of the young hile the arctic fox is common throughout much of the Arctic region, it is exceedingly ,rare in the Scandinavian nations of Norway, Sweden, and Finland where populations never recovered from severe overhunting. In ,addition, recent movements of the Red Fox into Arctic Fox territory probably as a result of global warming, threaten the arctic fox .population as well

 Which is NOT true about the size of an Arctic Fox

A. .Most are close to 20 pounds

B. .Some can reach 20 pounds

C. .Most are near six pounds

D.. They can grow to three feet in length

?What is the main prey of the Arctic Fox

A. eggs

B. lemmings

C. birds

D. insects

Populations of Arctic Foxes rise and fall according to

A. the severity of the winter

B. the warmth of the summer

C. the population of polar bears

D.. the population of lemmings


Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

spiders reading comprehension

Spiders are not insects! They are actually arachnids -invertebrates (animals without backbones) that have eight legs and which inject venom. Spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica. There are over known kinds of spiders. Spiders are found in every kind of habitat and are often found in homes Spiders are unique among animals in that many spin webs out of silk. The webs trap insects and other prey to eaten later. Larger spiders, such as wolf spiders,huntsman, and tarantulas attack prey rather than spin webs. One spider that was recently discovered even flings itself at prey like a slingshot! Most spiders eat insects, but tarantulas and larger spiders will .eat small lizards and mammals as well. Many people fear spiders In fact, a fear of spiders has its own name: Arachnophobia! Most spiders, however, are totally harmless to humans and are actually beneficial because they eat insect pests. Even the largest tarantula in existence, the Goliath Bird- eating Tarantula, is harmless to humans. A ,tarantula bite is said to as painful as a sting. Some spiders however, such as the Black Widow Spider, are dangerous to humans .Bites from these spiders usually require immediate medical attention

?What are spiders

A. mammals

B. insects

C. arachnids

D. tarantulas

. ?Which of the following statements best describe spiders

A. Most are not harmful to humans

B. None are harmful to humans

C. Most are harmful to humans

D. All are harmful to humans

. ? Where are spiders NOT found

A. in Antarctica

B. in cold climates

C. in deserts

D. in homes

. ?What would be the best title for the third paragraph

A. The Diet of Spiders

B. Spider Webs

C. Spider Bites

D. The Habitats of Spiders


Read the following comprehension and answer questions

Description: The great white shark is the largest predatory shark and is probably the most well -known andfeared shark. The great white shark is gray or bluish above and white below. The largest great whites canreach lengths of feet and weigh up to 5,000 pounds. Most are between 13 and 16 feet long 22 and weighl pounds. The great white has massive teeth, which are positioned in rows and serrated. When the great white attacks, it bites its prey and shakes it head back and forth. The serrated teeth act as a saw and literally tear the victim apart. The great white shark often swallows many of its own .teeth in an attack

Diet: The great white shark normally feeds on fish, seals, dolphins, porpoises otters, and turtles. It is thought to locate its prey by electro sense and by smell. Like all sharks, great whites have special pores called Ampullae of Lorenzini, which enable them to detect the electromagnetic fields radiated by moving organisms. Great whites can detect voltage as small as one half .billionth of a volt

Great whites employ several hunting techniques depending on the prey. Most of the time, the shark will remain still underwater before ambushing its prey from undemeath. In the case of hunting some kinds of seals, the impact of the shark is so powerful that it knocks both the shark and the seal clear out of the

With larger prey such as elephant seals, the shark will simply take a huge bite out of it and wait for it to bleed to death. When hunting dolphins, the shark will attack from above, presumably to avoid detection from the . dolphin’s echolocation

Range / Habitat : Great white sharks are most commonly observed throughout the world’s sub-arctic coastal waters, though they likely spend most of their time in the open ocean. Highest concentrations are found in the waters off the coast of South Afric , Australia, California, and Mexico. The great white shark is also found in the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas. They generally prefer .water between 54 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit ,Reproduction: A Great white shark has never been observed giving birth
however pregnant females have been caught. It is known to be – ovoviviparous (young develop in eggs within the mother’s body) Females give birth to eight or nine pups that are about five feet in length upon birth. Great whites reach reproductive maturity when the male is about 12 feet long and the female about 13 feet long. It is thought that great white sharks .1ive up to 40 years in the wild, but this estimate may be too low Shark Attacks: Despite the fear of great white sharks, at least in part generated by Steven Spielberg’s 1975 movie, Jaws, great white sharks do not target humans as prey. Most attacks are attributed to mistaken identity. Sharks can easily mistake humans for seals. Many human injuries caused by great white sharks are cases of test -biting. If a shark is unsure about a floating object, it often gives it a test bite to determine what kind of object it is. While such bites do little damage to buoys and other objects, they obviously can .inflict serious damage on the human body

 أوراق عمل FINAL REVISION هيكل امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث, الصف السادس, لغة انجليزية الصف السادس, لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

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