درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع

درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع

درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع


معلومات الملف “درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع”
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الفصل: لغة انجليزية الصف السابع
المادة: انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول
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درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع

Objective 1: Speaking: To discuss attitudes about school experiences

What are the main differences between your prima school and your middle school ? Have you enjoyed middle school so far ? Why or why not

Objectives 1

Reading: To read a blog atXLJt people’s experiences at schod, for gist detil


 TWo students have written a blog about their first few weeks at rniddle schoo

Read the blogs. Are the students mostly positive or negative about their new schools


Posted by: Abdullah, Year 7 My first few weeks at middle have been really fun! I’ve made loads of new friends and I’ve also met up with some Old friends that I haven’t seen for a while, so that’s been good
At first, it was hard to find all

my classes — I kept getting lost and one teacher told me off because I was ten minutes ‘ate for her lesson. Now I know my way around. The teachers have been really kind and the lessons aren’t too
difficult. We haven’t had much homework yet

but I’m sure we’ll get more after half- term Anyway. so far. so good Posted by: Sunil, Year 7 On my first day here I was a bit nervous, but after a few hours I was fine. The first few weeks have been really good

I’ve enjoyed learning new subjects and making new friends. My favourite subject is Science. It’s fun learning in ‘ a lab! I’ve joined the school orchestra. I play the drums. It’s great We’re doing a concert at the end of term


Answer the questions

How long have Abdullah and Sunil been at their new school

What problems have they had

What do they say friends

WhAat does Abdullah think may happen after half- term

What do you think Abdullah means by ‘so far, so good’

Which activity does Sunil do outside lessons

1 A few weeks

 Abdullah kept getting lost and one teacher told him off. Sunil was a bit nervous on his first day

 Abdullah has made loads of new friends and he’s also met up with some old friends. Sunil has enjoyed making new friends

 He thinks the’/ II get more homework after half -term

 He means everything has been all right up too this point

6 He plays the drums in the orchestra


 Use the words from Activity 1 to complete each of these sentences

………. Can l borrowa paintbrush for my

  enjoy ……….. because I leam about what happened in the past

 ? lost my calculator and g ‘m learning to play the drums in my lesso

. Do we need aglobe for our ….….. lesson

we are working in a real lab

We are leaming about Shakespeare’s life in

Use the words from Activity 1 to complete each of these sentences

 Can I borrow a paintbrush for my —Art—lesson

 lenjoy History because l leam about what happened in the past

3 elost my calculatorand We got Math next

 ‘ learning to play the drums in m lesson

5 In Science we are working in are allab

Do we need aglobe for our Geography  lesson

We are learning about Shakespeare’s life


Reading. To read a short conversation between two learners discussing their opinions about school


 Read this short conversation between two students. What subject does Maryam and Jamila both like

Jamila: What do you most like about school

Maryam: I can’t decide! I think Art is my favourite subject

Jamila: Really ? Why is that? I love painting and I think I’m quite gcxd at it. I don’t really like History though. I can never remember all of the dates

 eaking: To express opinions, likes and dislikes about school.l


 What do you most like about your school. Why ? Discuss your ideas in pairs. Then think about what you have found difficult about school so far and tell your partner


Writing : To write a paragraph expressing their opinions about their school


 Write a paragraph about your school Use the information that you discussed in Activity 4. Don’t forget to check any written work for spelling mistakes Use a dictionary if you are not sure

Here are some ideas to help you. You do not have to use them

My name is………. and I attend school

……….. I like my school becaus

……….. My favourite subject so far is

…………. I like it because

………… I also really like

….. However, one subject I don’t really like is

……….. This is because


 الصف السابع, انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول, درس Personal Identity لغة انجليزية الصف السابع, لغة انجليزية الصف السابع

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