ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول


معلومات الملف “ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول”
الصف الرابع
الفصل: انجليزي الصف الرابع
المادة: الفصل الاول
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ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول


 Hala is a (kind_ unhappy _friend) girl, (he _she _ it) always helps people. Hala (clean _ clean_ cleaning) her mom’s room every day (or _but _and) she washes dishes every Sunday. Hala and her sister (did do does) all their homework and tasks (in _on _at) Thursday

On Saturday, the two girls are (draw_ draws_ drawing) some pictures for the children to colour them. Hala always (listen _ listens  _ listened) to (him _ them _ her) mom. Yesterday, the girls (was were _are) in the garden and they picked some (flower_ flowers) to their mother and she is _was _am _ were) happy

. I like jerboa, fox and the camel. The camel (am _is _are) my favorite (animals _ animal). You can find (them _him  _it_ her) in the desert. I like (going _go) to the desert and camping there (and_ but _or) my brother likes to go to the beach, he (always _ sometimes  _never) rides a camel and he is afraid of the animals which live in the desert

(one _ won) the race and I (am_ was _is) the first runner, it takes one (our _hour).All the boys were (runing running _ run) (quick _quickly _ slowly)

My Stars Study Well

adjective + er + than

The + adjective + est


 Preposition (on _ under_ next to _near _ in front of _ behind) 

 Her _ him_it _ them (Objectives pronouns )  It for singular + they for plural

Mr. Miss Ms. Mrs. Give up good at _ skipping running _ swimming_hopping cut out _ sitting _have you ever….? _ ate _8 _ Stick on _ Point to _

Look at_ (won _1) (two _too) (bee _be)  Months of the year (in October) January …… December

 Days of the week (on Monday) Sunda ……….Saturday 

 At 8:30 (time) . On the 29 of November is your Final Exam 

 And _butor • leaf leaves+ wolf wolves + man men + woman women . Can + could + couldn’t Opposites as (tidy, untidy _ happy _ unhappy ……etc

Shapes past and present (if ………..will)  Camouflage _ some clouds _ some goats _ (Sheep) 

 After (Can _ could _ will _ would _ to _ did _ does) Verb 1


 الصف الرابع, الفصل الاول, انجليزي الصف الرابع, ورقة عمل داعمة Grammar And Word اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الأول

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