مراجعة Reading Review For Final Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع

مراجعة Reading Review For Final Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع

مراجعة Reading Review For Final Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع


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الصف السابع
الفصل: لغة انجليزية الصف السابع
المادة: انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول
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مراجعة Reading Review For Final Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع


Read the paragraphs below. For questions 1 – 5, choose the best heading (A G) for each paragraph. There is one extra heading that you will not use

There is one EXAMPLE

Example: A peninsula is a land that has water on three sides of it. We live on the Arabian Peninsula. We have the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Arabian Gulf around us

G. The Arabian Pennisula

1. I love fresh air, quiet streets and the sound Of animals. I could never live in the city. Living in the countryside makes me happy. Some people say it is boring but I love it

2. If you are looking for a place to go shopping, we have the place for you. There are over 100 stores, 6 coffee shops, a supermarket and a place for children to

3. I love going to sit outside my uncle’s bakery. They always have the best smells coming from the oven. Not only do they make really good bread, they also make sweets

4. I am sure it was a lot Of fun to live back then. Sitting around the campfire telling stories and taking care Of the camels would be exciting. I would like traveling from oasis to oasis with my camels

5. I think it is very important to Offer people some coffee if they come to my home. I also Offer them juice, water, tea, and something to eat like fruit or _sake. I like to take care of my visito

A The Best Mall in the World

B Country Living is the Best

C Hospitality at Home

D More Than Bread

E Hot Coffee for Everyone

F Bedouin Life

Part 2

Read an email that Saif wrote to his grandmother about his school. For questions 6 10, circle the correct answer A, B or C

There is one EXAMPLE

Saif’s Email

Dear Grandmother

I hope you are doing well. I am emailing you to tell you about my new school in Fujairah. It is really nice. We have a lot of really good teachers and all of the students are very nice. I really like my new school and I want to tell you all about it

I have a lot of great classes. My science teacher is Mr Ahmed. He is very funny. He likes to make us laugh while he is teaching us. We are learning a lot of really great things in science class

Reading Review For Final Exam


My English teacher is Mr. Vince. He is such a good teacher

Sometimes his class is boring. He tries to make it fun by playing games. My English is getting better! We also have a painting class. This is my favourite class. I am not great at painting but it helps me to be calm. My painting teacher is Mr. Farouq. He is a really good painter

My Arabic teacher is named Mr. Abdullah. He is a really nice teacher. Sometimes the students are bad in his class and don’t listen to him. Not me though. I am always good

Well, I have to go to chess club now. See you soon grandma




Part 3

Read about what life was like in the UAE in the past. For questions ‘1 1 15, circle the correct answer True, False, or Not Given 

There is one EXAMPLE

A Long Time Ago in the UAE

   100years ago, life was very (Efferent in  the UAE. There were no bg blildings, no fast cars, and no shopping malls. People had to work very hard to get fcxxi, water and clothes for their families

some people lived near the coast in cities like Khorfakkan. These people used the sea to live They had jobs like or fishing. Being a pearl diver was a dargerous job. They would dive to the bottom of the sea and look for oysters. They would work form sunrise to sunset. It was very hard work

Other lived in the desert. There were many or groups Of who lived together Most of these tribes lived in tents. They lived in tents because they moved around a lot. They had to move from oasis to oasis to take care of their camels. Their camels were very important. The camels carried all of their things when they moved. They carried typir tents, water, and anything else they næded. They would also dmk camel milk and eat camel meat

Life was hard back then but people still had some fun. One important tradition was to sit around a campfire in the evening and tell stories or share poetry. Life was very different back then


A Long Time Ago in the UAE

100years ago, life was very different in the UAE. There were no big buildings, no fast cars, and no shopping malls. People had to work very hard to get food, water and clothes for their families

Some people lived near the coast in cities like Khorfakkan These people used the sea to live. They had jobs like pearl-diving or fishing. Being a diver was a dangerous job. They would dive to the bottom of the sea and look for oysters

They would work form sunrise to sunset. It was very hard work

Other people lived in the desert. There were many tribes or groups of people who lived together. Most of these tribes lived in tents. They lived in tents because they moved around a lot. They had to move from oasis to oasis to take care of their camels

Their camels were very important. The camels carried all of their things when they moved. They carried their tents, water, and anything else they needed. They would also drink camel milk and eat camel meat

Life was hard back then but people still had some fun. One important tradition was to sit around a campfire in the evening and tell stories or share poetry. Life was very different back then

EXAMPLE: Life was very different in the UAE 100 years ago

True            False          Not Given


 الصف السابع, انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول, لغة انجليزية الصف السابع, مراجعة Reading Review for final Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الأول

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