مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني

مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني

مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني


معلومات الملف “مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني”
الصف الخامس
المادة: انجليزي الصف الخامس
حجم الملف: انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني


مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني

مرفق لكم مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني يحتوي هذا الملف على مراجعة للوحدة السادسة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .

محتويات ملف مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني كالتالي :

 : Reading *

 : Read the following passage then answer the questions below *

Nowadays most people begin their holiday by plane or ship. Some people like traveling by car and staying in hotels, or they enjoy camping and find special places where they can put up a tent for their families and friends. These people pack their cars with cooking and sleeping things and go into the country. Some people like adventure holidays and travel into dangerous places like the jungle or across the desert. They don’t want to stay in expensive hotels. They prefer to sleep under the stars and enjoy nature.

 : Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

_______________. The text is mainly about –

a) holi days       b) schools      c) accidents

 A _____________ is a dangerous place. –

a) camp             b)holiday               c) jungle

People put their tents in _______________ places –

a) hot         b) cold           c) special

 Staying in hotels is ___________ than sleeping in a tent  –

a) cheaper            b) noisier             c) more expensive

 The word ” enjoy ” [ line 2] means –

a) like         b) eat            c) dislike

 The word ” dangerous ” [ line 5] means –

a) safe      b) quiet      c) not safe

 ?  How do most people begin their holiday –

 ? Why do some people travel into dangerous places –


Jaime is a boy. Jaime lives in a house. Jaime lives in the country. Jaime lives in a house in the country. Jaime has a dog. The dog is named Go-Go. Jaime and Go-Go are friends. Jaime and Go-Go are bored. They want to do something new. They want to do something fun.
They want to do something exciting. Jaime and Go-Go walk out of the house. They walk across the yard. They walk across the field. They jump over the fence. Jaime sees a mountain. The mountain is very tall. The top of the mountain is in the clouds. Jaime looks at the mountain. “We are going to the top of that mountain,” Jaime says. Go-Go looks
nervous. “Don’t be nervous,” Jaime says. Go-Go runs after Jaime. They walk toward the mountain. Jaime stops. He looks back at the house. “I am a little tired,” Jaime says to Go-Go. Go-Go licks Jaime’s face. Jaime turns around. “Come on Go-Go. We will climb the mountain
tomorrow,” Jaime says. Jaime starts to walk home. Go -Go runs after Jaime

 -Read the following email the answer the following questions

1 Hi Lola

2 How are you ? Hope you’re having a great holiday. I’m writing to ask if you’d like to come to my party on the 29th July

 3 We’re going bowling at the Plaza Centre and then we’re going to have lunch at the Milo restaurant. It’s going to be pizza and cake! I really hope you can make it – it’ll be really good fun. I’m going to invite Sophie, Kate and Helena too (but I haven’t emailed them yet). My little sister will be there and your little brother can come too

4 Are you going to be here in July ? – I know it’s the school holiday and you might be away. Please let me know soon if you can come

5 Hope to hear from you soon

From Man Yi

-Choose the correct answers from a, b or c

-She is going to make her party on the 29th —– 

a) June b) July c) August

-They are going bowling at the ——— centre

 a) Plaza b) Liwa c) Dubai

-They are going to have lunch at restaurant

a) Fujairah  b)Ajman c) Milo

2- Answer the following questions

1- Who wrote this email ? To whom

2- Why did she write this email


Choose the correct answers from a, b or c


B: 6(Me too/Me neither.) Choose the

correct answers and write in the space

1- We————- camping in the holidays

 a) go b ) been c) going 

– What do you think———- need to cook biryani

 a) we do b) we’ll c) we have 3- Everybody

agreed so ——— are going to watch the Bollywood film tonight

a) hardly any b) a few call of us

 ——- of my friends like watching TV in English

a )All of us b Sometimes c) Most

 During the holidays, I help my ———— uncle’s shop 

a) to b) in c) for

– My dad likes cooking fish ———– a campfire

a) on b) in c) to

-Let’s try ———– different

a) something b anything c) nothing

 – How about———— a new sport

 a )done b) doing c) do

– Do you want to———— on a day trip at the weekend ? 

a) going b) go c) goes

4 –Writing

-Use the following words in meaningful sentences

1-(All of us)

—-most of us )

 3- Some of us)

4- hardly any)

5-(A few of us

Circle the correct words

A: My brother’s scared of spiders and he’s 20

B: Really? That’s silly. I’m 11 and I’m not scared of them

A: 1(Me too Me neither.)

B: I’m a bit scared of snakes though

 A: 2(Me too/Me neither. I don’t even like seeing pictures of them in books

 B: 3(Me too / Me neither. I’d be terrified if I saw a real one

A: 4(Me too / Me neither.) Once, in my friend’s class at school, they found a snake in the bin. Even a little one would still scare me

B: 5(Me too Me neither.) What did the teacher do

A: He screamed and jumped onto the desk. I think that’s so funny

مواصفات ملف مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني كالتالي : 

  • نوع الملف :  مراجعة
  • الصف : الخامس
  • المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
  • عدد الصفحات: 10 صفحات
  • صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف

تابعنا عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعية الخاصة بسراج المناهج الاماراتية :

صفحة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )

قناة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا ) 

 الصف الخامس, انجليزي الصف الخامس, انجليزي الصف الخامس الفصل الثاني, مراجعة للوحدة السادسة لغة إنجليزية خامس الفصل الثاني

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