كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني 2021

كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني 2021

كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني 2021


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كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الانجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني 2021

Behind the stars

No film can be ever shot without its stars, the film crew or a script, but thereS one more vital player on the film set that usually gæs unnoticed – the extra. Imagine a crowded market scene without the
customters in the background or a restaurant scene with empty tables and no waiters. Extras are the lifebloa3 of the film set and are essential in order to create the right atmosphere in scenes

Ever since the UAE featured as a backdrop for the 2W5 thriller Syriana starring George Cmney, the region has been considered an ideal place to film on location. Nowhere else can offer the mix of open mountains or futuristic cities. As a consequence, the demand for extras has risen. Film companies usually pay extras a standard rate of 4m Dirhams a day for non-speaking roles. You dont need to have any great acting skills — most of the it’s simply enough to have the right look, stay in the
background and, above all, avoid causing a distraction

Demand has become so great that a number of local casting companies have set up to meet the ned. ‘Justin Lin, director ot Star Trek: Beyond, decided to film in various læations around the country, sotætimes requiring up to Imo extras at a time. It’s not always easy to get that amount of people at short notice,’ says Mohammed Abi Khalil, who runs The Drearmcast Agency. For the last 6 years, his cornpany has been recruiting extras and compiling a database that categorises each extra by appearance. ‘If I get a call from a filmmaker who needs a tall, middle-aged Emirati man with kind eyes, I’m pretty sure that I can find him,’ he boasts. ‘There are some issues such as lack of scræn training and flexibility – because being an extra means you have to be willing to drop everything for a day or an entire week — but we provide initial lessons on how to in front of the camera or how to havea silent conversation


 Read and check your ideas. In your opinion, what is the moral of The Crab and the Crane

Kalila and Dimna is one of the first books to have drawings in it. The book contains many stories called fables. These are short stories, typically with animals as characters, which convey a moral. The book was translated into over 60 languages. Many years ago it was taught in schools for students to learn from the lessons in it. Kalila and Dimna is narrated by two foxes named Kalila and Dimna, and each story has a moral to learn from

One fable is The Crab and the Crane. In this story, a hungry crane told a group of fish living in a pond that fishermen were going to come and empty their pond and take them away He told them he would move them to another pond, one by one, and he started with their leader. But, instead of taking them to another pond, he ate them on the way

However, there was also a crab in the pond who discovered what the crane was doing Ihe crab asked the crane to help him too, and when the crane picked him up, the crab put his strong claws around the crane’s neck Immediately, the crane understood that he was in danger. He dropped the crab, flew away and was never seen again

Amazing changes

 incredible growth and development Dubai can be best seen by comparing images of the city 30 years ago and now. Nowadays. Dubai is a mixture of beautiful homes, luxurious living and entertainment and it has become a popular — and safe — Middle East destination for travellers

The city was a humble village until the discovery Of Oil in which saw the arrival of many foreign workers and the formation of the United Arab Emirates in the 1970s. leading the city to boom

Astonishingly, the earlier photo shows Sheikh Zayed. Road some time in the 1980s. It is one Of the longest roads in the UAE, starting in the heart of Dubai and stretching to the of Abu Dhabi. The road was named after former president Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan A1 Nahyan, who was the driving force behind the formation of the UAE

Today, three decades later, the sarne road is lined with flashy skyscrapers and outstanding buildings. New developments have sprung up along the the Gulf coast. such as the world-renowned Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina and Dubai Waterfront. With seven- star properties, the world’s tallest tower. underwater hotels and man-made islands, Dubai is an intriguing mix of Middle Eastern traditions and a modern way of life

Dubai has exploded onto the travel scene as an incredible, must-see city. And, with daily flights from many world capitals, Dubai has now become the place to be



Scan the article. HOW’ many different ways Of travelling around Dubai are mentioned

Travelling in Dubai

Driving in Dubai is the usual way of getting around the Emirate. There in the city. However, with increased traffic congestion, many Dubai residents are looking for other means of transport

‘the most common form of public transpor is the taxi. They are found all over Dubai and are safe, quite inexpensive and convenient, except during the rush hour when you are likely to be stuck in a traffic jam

For a less stressful journey, using Dubai’s fast and efficient network of public transport is a sensible option. There is the fully automated metro rail network, which has a great success since it opened
in 2009, with tens of thousands of residents using it for their daily commute. Connecting the metro to the Jumeirah tram route in 2014 was one of the first steps to the expansion and integration of the public transport system. There are also plans to link the metro with the new UAE’s national railway network, Etihad Rail, which will carry both and freight throughout the Emirates

Then there are the buses that run frequently throughout Dubai and connect it with the six other Emirates. Travelling by bus is becoming increasingly popular as routes and schedules are improved. They are clean, comfortable, air conditioned and cheap

Away from land there are water buses, taxis and the traditional abra. Cnsing Dubai Creek in a abra or a new electric water bus is a safe and relaxing way to travel. And if you want to navigate the Arabian Sea or would just prefer to travel without other people, then. an air-conditioned water taxi is perfect

Choosing the best way to travel in Dubai is becoming easier every year as the government continues to improve the public transport system



 الصف العاشر عام, كتاب الطالب Course Book اللغة الانجليزية الصف الحادي عشر الفصل الثاني 2021, لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر, لغة انجليزية الصف العاشر الفصل الثاني

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