درس The Boy And The Wolf اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

درس The Boy And The Wolf اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

درس The Boy And The Wolf اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع


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درس The Boy And The Wolf اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

Words to remember

sunny, dry, cold, cool, warm, hot camel, neck, fat, Oryx, jerboa, dune, funny, pretty, kind, fox, wolf, sheep, goat, villager, help

Lesson 10 The Boy and the Wolf 1

The Boy and the Wolf

Once u’:xm a time there was a young lx»y who looked after the sheep in his He didn’t like looking after the sheep he stayed on his own on thc hill and it was very boring. He Icoked at the village and he to himself, •The r»ople in the are all together ther and can talk, and I’m all alone here. I want to have «»rne fun-‘ Then he thought, ‘l know how to fun!’ And ho shouted, ‘Wolfl Wolfl Help! The wolf is the sheep

The villagers were very busy but they came running up the hill to find the boy and help him, ‘Where is the wolf?’ they said. But the boy only laughed. ‘There is no wolf, I only wanted to laugh,’ said the boy, and the villagers were very angry. The next day the boy was bored again. ‘l want to have some fun,’ he said to himself and he shouted, ‘Wolf! Wolf! He’s taking our sheep! Come and help me!’ And the villagers came running but they were very angry when they saw there was no wolf, and they told him to stop being silly. That night, the boy was all alone on the hill and he suddenly saw two eyes in the darkness. It was the wolfl He shouted and shouted for help but the villagers didn’t come. The next day he went down to the village and said, ‘The wolf took all our sheep, why didn’t you come to help me And the villagers said, ‘Because no one believes a liar.’ He felt very bad and he didn’t lie again

2 Read

Work with a partner and answer the questions

1 Where was the boy at the beginning of the folktale

2 Where were the villagers

3 What did he do


I. He was at the top of the hill.

2. They were in the village

3. He shouted. “Wolf! Wolf! Help! The wolf is taking the sheep.”

 Use of English

Circle the correct answer

I Was the boy bored

2 Were the villagers happy

3 Did the wolf take the sheep

Yes, he was No, he wasn’t

Yes, the

Yes, he di INO, he didn’t


2 use of English

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) ? Write T or F

The boy worked with other boys looking after the sheep

He worked in the village

He lied to the villagers

He laughed when the villagers came to help him

The wolf came to get the sheep during the day

The boy tried to get help from the villagers when the wolf came

The wolf only took one sheep

The boy felt bad at the end of the story



 الصف الرابع, الفصل الاول, انجليزي الصف الرابع, درس The Boy And The Wolf اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع

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