درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس

درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس

درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس


معلومات الملف “درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس”
منهج انجليزي
الفصل: الصف الخامس منهج إنجليزي
المادة: علوم منهج إنجليزي الفصل الاول
حجم الملف: 3.11 MB


درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس


How do the three states of matter change shape

 Make your claim. use your investigation

CLAIM     Solids     Liquids

Sample answer: keep their shape; take on the shape of the container; expand to fill their container

Cite evidence from the activity


The investigation showed that

Sample answer: the gas pushed against the closed syringe as I pushed the plunger down. The solids had a definite shape and the liquid took the shape of each container Into which it was poured

Discuss your reasoning as a class. Tell about your discussion


The evidence supports the claim because

Sample answer: the particles in a gas spread far apart When pressure is added, the particles condense. The particles in a solid are packed tightly together and hold their shape. The particles in a liquid are able to move and take the shape of their container

You will revisit your claim to add more evidence later in this lesson


States of Matter


Look for these words as you read

gas   liquid    solid

State is another physical property of matter. Solids liquids. and gases are common forms that matter

GO ONLINE Watch the video States of Matter to learn more about matter

can take. Each state has specific characteristics

A solid has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount Of space. A solid stays in its definite shape with a definite volume unless it is changed by an outside force

The particles in a solid are tightly packed together and vibrate in place. They are often packed in a regular pattern. A “quid has a definite volume. but it does not have a definite shape. It can be poured from one container to another. The liquid fills the shape it is poured into from the bottom up. The particles in a liquid are usually less tightly packed than those in a solid and can move and slide past one another. One example in which this is not true is water

Water is actually more dense than ice a definite shape

: No matter what type of container you put them in they will still keep that The liquid being poured from this bottle is able to now because it does  not have a definite 

Because the : basketban is a sphere the air inside  of it will be sphere shaped too

Gases have no definite shape Or volume. The particles in a gas are much farther apart than particles in solids or liquids. They can move around each other very easily. Gases spread out and completely fill a closed container. If you make the container bigger. the same amount Of gas will expand to fill it


Changing States of Matter

The average movement of particles in an object is determined by the amount of energy in the object. Temperature is a of this movement. When energy is added. the particles move faster. When energy is lost, the particles move more slowly. When enough energy is gained or lost. there is a change of state

Adding Energy When energy is added to a solid, the particles start to move more quickly. When the particles move quickly enough that they slide past other. the solid a liquid by melting. If even more energy is added to this liquid. the continues to increase and they move away from each other As the particles spread out enough, liquid becoming a gas

Removing Energy If a gas loses energy. its particles slow down and move closer together. They start to slide past each other again. A liquid forms through a process called condensation. If the liquid loses enough energy. freezing and a solid forms

Label a Diagram use information that you read to the states of matter in the above. Label the process of how each state Of matter Changes from one to the other


Add evidence to your claim on page 55. Use what you have learned the changing states of matter to add evidence and reasoning to your claim

 Revisit the Keeley Science Probe on page 49


Pharmacy technicians work in hospitals and pharmacies. They work closely with pharmacists and people in the health industry. Some technicians are responsible for inputting prescription orders given over the phone or in person, They take orders from both patients and health care providers. Pharmacy technicians are also responsible for counting pills, mixing medicines. and labeling prescriptions

Pharmacy technicians need to have good communication skills as they interact with patients on a regular basis. They relay information from the pharmacist to patients

They give out prescription medication and medical devices to patients. They explain how to use the prescription. what it is for, and how often to take it. They also explain what the patient can expect when taking a prescription


Model Matter

You have learned about the three main states of matter and how the organization of their particles affects how they behave

Choose an object for each of the three states of matter. Draw each object. use unit cubes to develop and use a to show the scale Of the volume and number of particles in the object and how the particles in each object are organized. Add this information to your drawings. Below each mcxiel. how the arrangement of the particles determines the properties of each of the objects


What are the different forms in which matter can appear

Summarize It

Use what you have learned to explain what you know about the particles. in solids. liquids. and gases. Use the to write a summary or draw a diagram of what you learned

Sample answer : The particles in a solid are tightly packed together and vibrate in place The particles in a liquid are less tightly packed than those in a solid (except for water) and can move and slide past one another. The particles in a gas are far apart and can move around each other very easily

Revisit the Page Keeley Science Probe PAGE KEELEY on 49. Has your thinking SCIENCE If how it has changed


 الصف الخامس منهج إنجليزي, درس solids liquids and gases العلوم منهج انجليزي الصف الخامس, علوم منهج إنجليزي الفصل الاول, منهج انجليزي

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