حل أوراق عمل Reading Final Revision الصف السادس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث

حل أوراق عمل Reading Final Revision الصف السادس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث

حل أوراق عمل Reading Final Revision الصف السادس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث


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حل أوراق عمل Reading Final Revision الصف السادس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث

The blue whale iS the largest living animal to have ever lived on the planet Earth. Blue Whales are way larger than the largest dinosaur that ever lived. The largest Blue Whales can grow as large as 100 feet long, which is longer than three buses put together! Even though blue whales are huge, they eat Riny creatures known as krill. Krill are tiny shrimp -like animals

The whale simply its mouth. fills it with krill and salt water, and filters the water out of plates in its mouth called baleen. The blue whale may eat over 8000 pounds of krill in a single day

What happens to the salt water that the Blue Whale gulps

A. .it gets to fresh water

B. .it swallows the water

C. .it filters it out

D.. The passage doesn’t say

……… The Blue Whale eats

A. .sharks

B. .big fish

C. .humans

D. .small creatures called krill

What is NOT true

A. The Blue Whale is larger than the dinosaur

B. The Blue Whale can eat 8,000 pounds of krill per day

C. The Blue Whale is smaller than some elephants

D. The Blue Whale grow longer than

Blue Whale ………

A. .is large , but smaller than some dinosaurs

B. .is large, but smaller than a school bus

C. .is larger than any animal that has ever lived on Earth

D. .uses its sharp teeth to chew up large fish


Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

The Arctic Fox is a small fox found cnmmonly in the arctic regions of the world Measuring a little less than three feet in length, this fox is mottled brown in the summer and pure white in the winter. Adult foxes weigh six and twenty pounds, though most are closer to six. Its thick fur coat helps insulate it from the .freezing temperatures and windswept snow The arctic fox is the ultimate survivor. It will eat just about anything including insects, small mammals, birds, ducks, geese, eggs, and even an occasional snowy owl. Lemmings, small mouse -like mammals, are its most common prey

In fact. when populations of lemmings crash every three or four years. so do populations of foxes. Arctic foxes will eat berries and seaweed as well. When food is scarce, arctic foxes become scavengers. The arctic fox iS sometimes .preyed ugxn by polar

Arctic fox vixens (female foxes) can give birth to many as 25 kits (baby foxes) in the springtime (the largest of any cxnivore). Most litters, however, contain five and eight kits. Both male and female help take care .of the young

While the arctic fox is common throughout much of the Arctic region, it is exceedingly rare in the Sczndinavian nations of Norway, Sweden, and Finland, where populations never recovered from severe overhunting. In addition

movements of the Red Fox into Arctic Fox territory, probably as a result of .global warming, threaten the arctic fox as well

Which is NOT true the size of an Arctic Fox 

A. .Most are close to 20 pounds

B. .Some can reach 20 pounds

C. .Most are near six pounds

D.. They can grow to three feet in length

What is the main prey of the Arctic Fox

A. eggs

B. lemmings

C. birds

D. insects

Populations of Arctic Foxes rise and fall according to


Read the following comprehension and answer the questions

Pyramids reading comprehension The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the world’s most amazing landmarks

Rising high above the Sahara Desert in the Giza region of northern Egypt, the Great Pyramid stands some 450 feet into the burning desert sky and occupies an area of 13 acres. The rough climate of the Sahara has actually caused the pyramid to shrink 30 feet from its original height. The pyramid was such an amazing feat of engineering that it remained the tallest structure in the world for over 3800 years! The entire pyramid was originally faced with polished .limestone to make it shine brilliantly in the sun Most Egyptologists, scientists who study ancient Egypt , agree that the Great Pyramid was built around 2560 BC, a little more than 4,500 years ago. It took tens of thousands of workers twenty years to build. The pyramid over two million stone blocks. Although most of the blocks weigh two or three tons,
some weigh up to 80 tons! The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered built by the Pharaoh Khufu as a magnificent tomb. His vizier (advisor), Hemon, is credited with being the pyramid’s architect. Khufu’s pyramid is actually part of a complex of pyramids that includes the Pyramid of Khafre, the smaller Pyramid of Menkaure, a variety of smaller pyramids and structures, and the Great Sphinx

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the .World

I. Where is the Great Pyramid NOT located

A. Giza

B. Southern Egypt

C. Sahara Desert

D. Northern Egypt

. ?How man stone blocks make up the pyramid

A. More than two

B. 3800

c. 4500

D. 2560



Part 1

Read the text then answer the questions. Circle A. B. C or D. There is one .example

What would we do if there were no wheels? In my opinion. the most invention of all time is the wheel. Without the wheel. people could not travel anywhere very easily or quickly. we depend on the wheel for all our transport. such as cars. trains and planes (because planes need wheels to take off and land). If we had to travel long distances without wheels, it would very difficult. It would also be difficult to see other cities and countries. This means that we wouldn’t know about other places and the world would seem .very small for us If we didn’t have the wheel. it would harder to work quickly and easily

This is because we need wheels to go to and from work. but also because we need wheels to carry things. Without wheels. people would have to carry heavy things in other ways. we might have to use animals or carry things ourselves. Wheels are also a very important part of machines in factories and on fcrms because they make the mcxhines work. These kinds of wheels are ‘called ‘cogs

There are lots of very important inventions that have changed the world. But I .think that the wheel is the most imgnrtant for these reasons

 الصف السادس, حل أوراق عمل Reading Final Revision الصف السادس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية الفصل الثالث, لغة انجليزية الصف السادس, لغة انجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الثالث

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