تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني
تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني |
تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني
معلومات الملف “تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني” |
تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني
مرفق لكم تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني يحتوي هذا الملف على اسئلة الوحدة الثامنة في مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الثاني، مناهج دولة الأمارت .
أوراق عمل لغة إنجليزية الوحدة التاسعة خامس الفصل الثاني
محتويات ملف تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني كالتالي :
: Vocabulary words
التهاب الحلق Sore throat
صحي Healthy
وجع الأذن An earache
حمي Fever
برد Cold
Common illness أمراض شائعة
Swallow يبتلع
Medicine دواء
Sneezing العطس
Cough كحة
انف مسدودة Blocked nose
Energy طاقة
Rest راحة
Tired مرهق
Diabetes مرضى السكري
Virus: something that makes people ill.
Infect: to pass an illness to someone else.
Ingredients: one of the foods used to make a meal.
Flavoursome: food that tastes good.
تسأل شخص ما عن حاله نقول
? What’s the matter
? What seems to be the matter
? What’s wrong
? How do you feel
الاجابة :
I’ve got a bad cough
I feel sick
I feel tired
I’ve got a fever
I’ve got no energy
ملحوظة : يأتي بعد feel صفة
I feel sick
I feel tired
ويأتي بعد got has / have اسم
I have got a cold
She has got a headache
He has got a cough
I have got a sore throat
ملحوظة: هناك عبارات تستخدم عند اعطاء نصيحة
في المصدر (You should/shouldn’t+ (V
في المصدر ( Try to+ (V
في المصدر (Why don’t you + (V
Some( بعضا –بعضا من)
تأتي مع الأسماء المعدودة في صيغة الجمع والأسماء الغير معدودة.
موجودة في الجملة المثبتة: .money some have I
I need some books.
ويمكن أن يأتي في السؤال في صيغة عرض أو طلب : ? please tea some have I Can
? Would you like some juice
? Do you want some flowers
? Do you want some coffee
How can you stop yourself from getting the flu
Keep away from someone with the flu, wash your hands regularly and don’t put your hands to your mouth and nose
What should you do if you have the flu
If you catch the flu you should get a lot of rest, drink plenty of liquids and have medicine if your doctor gives it to you
Do you eat a healthy diet
Yes, I eat a healthy diet as it makes my body healthy and strong
What types of food are healthy and unhealthy
Vegetables, grains and cereals, proteins and food that has a lot of calcium are healthy food, but sweets chocolate and cakes or food that has a lot of fat and sugar are unhealthy food as it’s bad for our teeth and bodies
How to stay healthy ? You should eat fruits and vegetables every day
You should eat dairy products to give your body calcium
You should reduce eating sweets and cakes
What do we need in a healthy diet
Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats
How many types of diabetes
There are two types; type 1, which is genetic diabetes that causes children and type 2, usually happens to adults which is often caused by being overweight and not getting enough exercises
What are the symptoms of diabetes
In both types of diabetes, people can feel thirsty, hungry, tired, no energy and have blurred vision
What can we do to try and stop getting type 2 diabetes ? We should eat healthy and play sports every day What is flu
Flu is a virus caused people in the winter months
What are the symptoms of the flu
It has the same symptoms of cold; such as blocked nose, sneezing and coughing, but children have fever and headache and you don’t feel like eating much food and all your body hurts
How long the flu can last
The flu can last a week or more
When were you last ill
I was ill last month
Are you ill more in the summer or the winter
I am ill in the winter more than in the summer
How do you feel when you are ill
When I’m ill I feel no energy, tired, headache and blocked nose
What is a sore throat
A sore throat means that a throat hurts
Is it easy to eat when I have a sore throat? Why?
No, it is not easy, because it hurts
What is cold? Cold means sneezing, tired and lost voice What is diabetes?
Diabetes means there is too much sugar in the blood But we need to have some sugar, why ? For energy
Why is calcium important ? Because, it keeps our bones and teeth healthy Why are fruit and vegetables so important in our diet
Because, they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins
What do we mean by vegetarians
Vegetarians are people who never eat meat
Write about healthy life style or how to stay healthy
1- what healthy activities do you know
2- Do you practice any activity ? Why
3- what kind of food do you eat to stay healthy?
4- Mention some health habits which keep us healthy and strong
Everyone has to stay healthy to keep yourself away from illness and sick To stay healthy you should practise activities every day. There are a lot of healthy activities you can do such as; running, swimming or even playing football
I prefer swimming as it moves all my body and strength my muscles. To stay healthy we should eat healthy food which contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and even calcium which help our body to grow properly. We should eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken and dairy products like milk and cheese that strength our bones and teeth. We shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets and chocolate .It’s bad for our teeth and body
Everyone should follow some healthy habits which keep us healthy and strong. We should drink plenty of water, clean our body, brush our teeth and sleep from seven to eight hours as our body needs rest
Live a healthy life style and keep away from doctor
مواصفات ملف تدريبات لغة إنجليزية الوحدة الثامنة خامس الفصل الثاني كالتالي :
- نوع الملف : تدريبات
- الصف : الخامس
- المادة : اللغة الانجليزية
- عدد الصفحات: 13 صفحة
- صيغة الملف : pdf بي دي اف
تابعنا عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعية الخاصة بسراج المناهج الاماراتية :
صفحة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على الفيسبوك ( تابعنا )
قناة سراج المناهج الاماراتية على التليجرام ( تابعنا )