الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث

الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث

الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث


معلومات الملف “الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث”
الصف الحادي عشر عام
الفصل: لغة انجليزية حادي عشر
المادة: لغة انجليزية حادي عشر الفصل الثالث
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الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث

Choose the correct heading (A – F) for  each paragraph. There is one extra heading that vou do not need

Emirati Wedding Traditions

1. A flexible and stylish event

A celebraticl in the UAE is always a luxuricx.ß event whether it is held at a large venue with hundred Of guests or ina much smaller settingwith only close family and friends. Emirati weddingsare a combination of lcxal traditions and rniern -dayceremmies. Each family will the wedding according to their own custcxns and meferences

2. The first stage

Marriage traditimsstart when the futuregrcxrn talks to his his feelings. Then, the mother will the motherof the intendedbride to ask if her daughter will the marriage progxsal. If the answer is yes, the next step is to arrange the dowry which the grcx:m will pay to his bride- to-tp. In the past, the dowry cmjld arnmmt of money but nowadays it is limited to no more than dirhams

3. Presents and preparations

In Islamic culture, the marriage the contract is signed by the bride and grmrn. After this. as the bride starts to prepare for the wedding, the grcxn and his family will lavish gifts her. These gifts can include exgknsive crfurne, gold jewellery, silk and Other rich materials. brides may use the silk to create a gcrgeouswedding dress. In the past, brides used to wear green for their these days the dresses are white

4. Music and elaborate patterns

A few days the ceremmy, the bride will have a henna party, catted a henna night , with her female friends and relatives. This’lar event includesmusic, dance and delicicxas fcxi. During the evening while the guests danceand celebrate, a henna artist will decorate the bride’s hands and with the most intricate and designs

5. Traditional dishes

It is said that ncmjy will ever leave an Emirati wedding feeling hungry. When the guests arrive, they are served Arabic coffee, tea and dates. Dishes such as lamb, biryani and salona – a stew are all part of the celebratimsas well as lcxal desserts like which are fried balls covered in syrup. These are just sane of the custcxns a guest will excrrienceat a traditional Emirati wedding

Read the text and answer the question

has working in the travel industry for wven and during that time he a lot of destinations. It all when was sixtæl years dd md he went hdiday with his family to Nepal. hile he was there. he a travel blcn that he could share the adventure with his friends. After that. whenever he somewhere new, he would always pcst information about me Éiteresting attractions and lardrnarks he Saæd’s trawl website fiat, later. he to start wcrk as a full-time travel Sæed usits new claces four or times a year. He rarely bæk to same regions. no matter how mud’ he enjoyed his exg:mences there. He claims people would stop fdlowing his if he didn’t travel to different dtinaticMS, His online folowers their Own wish list Of they want to visit ba:ause they have atxut them his Every onæ in a while. usually the Wrnrner. he a destination which is closer to home. In his ophion, dmt haw to to have exotic adventures, there’s always yynething interesting to and do in their lcxal area

Its no surpriæ that is describa’ as by his family md friends. In ÜitOn to travelling to differ«lt places. he always wants to try out new ætMties at some of the destinations. In the past he has done sandboarding md now plans to try mountain biking md skydiving. His rnost recent adventure sport was white water rafting and he says it was the most exciting thing he has ever done. He explains that you ride in a boat down a with the waves crßhing you and how you to to contra the and stop it tuming over. He says its a dangerous as you will be moving down the river very fast it is a fun experience and should not be missed

the reason he likes to trawl is he grew up a small, isolated town which meant he always to know more about the wcrld outside


The cornpany is to a plan which means the employæs can sperxj time each week working on their own The company emos is hat, if workers are hapy, they will more prcxiuctive in their  Although the are important to he stif. me of the best things atnJt working fcy LgNTek is me large variety Of fascinating jobs. such as a rßearch engineer and 3D artist. A1 Of the employæs are able to participate a new and exciting field of electronic mgneering. Virtual reality (VR) is a computing idea that is years ahead Of the that is available tcx’ay. In cyder for to experience VR, they will to wear a headset which creates a 3D virtual environment. In this way the user cm experience the Sights and sounds a place. just as if they were real. However. there is still more wcyk for the company to do researching how to stimulate a users ænæ of taste and smell. Most assæiate VR with vhdeo gaming but this has many bdlefits For example, airine ccmpmés VR for fight simulation to plots. This be by medical students. which is a safer way to train new dcrtors. Mditiondly. VR is used in educatim arri Students are to interact Wth Other in a thræ – dimensbna enurmment it is possible for thern to go a virtual schcd trip to a museum

.LgNTek’s employment culture makes the company popular

a. True

b. False

c. Not given

. The company perk that staff like the best is the free meals

a. True

. b. False

c. Not given

. There is a limited of interesting jobs at LgNTek

a. True

b. False

c. Not given

. These days, a VR user is less likely to experience sound than smell

a. True

b. False

c. Not given

. VR technology has many positive uses for the community

a. True

b. False

c. Not given

 الاختبار المركزي اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الحادي عشر مع الإجابات الفصل الثالث, الصف الحادي عشر عام, لغة انجليزية حادي عشر, لغة انجليزية حادي عشر الفصل الثالث

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