أوراق عمل Unit 8 & 9 Revision الصف الثاني عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية
أوراق عمل Unit 8 & 9 Revision الصف الثاني عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية |
أوراق عمل Unit 8 & 9 Revision الصف الثاني عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية
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أوراق عمل Unit 8 & 9 Revision الصف الثاني عشر مادة اللغة الإنجليزية
G12 Advanced / Unit 8-9 / Term 3
Read the text below and choose the correct answer
Scientists and environmentalists have described a vast patch of floating rubbish in the Pacific Ocean. A large proportion Of waste ends up in the ocean due to the North Pacific Gyre. This is a current that
accumulates rubbish and deposits it into a massive area known as the great pacific garbage patch
Around 80% of the debris comes from the North America and Asia, While the remaining 25% comes from boats, ship containers and Oil rigs. While there are many different types Of rubbish discarded into the ocean, plastic makes up the majority as it is cheap to produce and durable. The problem with the plastic is that it does not biodegrade, it’s simply breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces
The garbage patch has been described in different ways. “The pacific garbage patch is a huge environmental problem, so big that it is becoming visible from space. Some people suggest that this is nonsense, and an accurate description Of the problem is required. According to Edward who is one Of the environmentalists, plastic breaks down into smaller pieces called microplastics which is more worrying as fish and Other marine life will ingest it
Environmentalists suggest that as the population expands and more rubbish is dumped into our oceans, this problem is going to get bigger and micro plastic would begin to enter the human food chain and could potentially be catastrophic for people’s health. The dense cloud in water blocks light, to the deeper levels of the ocean which in turn prevents a plankton and algae growth. Plankton is a major source Of food for small marine life and it is on these that larger fish such as tuna depend. so, the potential for damage to the entire Marine food web is high another problem is that plastic both absorbs and leaks pollutant. As it breaks down, plastic releases chemicals into the water; for example, is BPA which has known health side-effects. Plastic also absorbs PCB, which Can enter the food chain when the plastic is eaten by marine life
The situation is further compounded by the question of who is responsible for the rubbish patch. No one country is willing to take on that responsibility, so it is left to the environmental organization to investigate and address this. By all accounts, it can’t be cleaned up as it is almost 70 years of rubbish; micro plastic is tiny and it is dispersed over a large remote area
Environmental when contaminate the natural surroundings. Pollution disturbs the balance Of Our ecosystems. affect Our normal lifestyles and gives rise to human and global warming. Pollution has reached its peak due to the development and in Our lives. With the development Of science and technoly, there has a huge growth Of human Pe-opk have prisoners Of their own creations
ryrs, causes, md effects of Air is one Of the most dangerous forms Of A biological. chemical. and physical alteration Of the air Xcurs when smoke, dust, and any harmful gases enter into the atmosphere and make it difficult for all living to survive as the air contaminated. Burning Of fossil fuels, agriculture related activities. mining operations, exhaust from industries and and household cleaning entail air release a huge number Of chemical substances in the air every day. The effects Of air are alarming. It causes global warming. acid rains, respiratory and heart problems. and eutrophication
A lot Of wildlife are forced to change their habitat in order to survive Soil pollution when the presence of contaminants, and toxic chemicals in the soil is in high concentration that has negative effect on wildlife, plants, humans, and ground water. Industrial activity, waste disposal. agricultural activities, acid rain, and accidental oil spin are the main causes of soil pollution. This type of contamination influence health of humans, affects the growth of plants, decreases soil fertility, and changes the soil structure
Water is able to lead our world on a path Of destruction. Water is one Of the greatest natu ral resources of the whole humanity. Nothing will able to live without water. However, we do not appreciate
this gift of nature and it without thinking. The key causes of the water are: industrial waste, mining activities. sewage and waste water, accidental oil leakage, marine dumping chemol pesticides and fertilizers, burning of fossil fuels, animal waste, urban development, global warming. radioactive waste, and. leakage frorn sewer lines. There is less water avadable for drinking irrigating crops, and washing
Soh’tims to problems
Environmental pollution has negatively affected the life of tth animals and human-beings. The only way to control current environmental issues is to implement conservation methods and create sustainable development strategies. We should find some effective solutions in order to restore our ecological balance
First Of all, we should make sustainable choices. We should take Of public walk or ride bikes whenever consolidate our trips. and consider purchasing an electric car. It is very to make sustainable choices. whenever buy organically grown vegetables and fruits or grow your own
People should conserve energy. Tum off electronics and lights when you are not in the room. Consider what small changes can lead to big energy savings. Use energy efficient It is also essential to understand the concept of reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Try to buy used items whenever possible. Chcxse prcxiucts with minirnal packaging. Buy reusable items. Remember that almost everything that you purchase can recycled
Introverts VS Extroverts
Comparison of Introverts VS Extroverts Example Personality is an individual’s charæteristic pattem of thinking. fæling, and These unique characteristics and tmavior patterns are what distinguishes one human frorn the next. Evaluating can complex and there a many puzzle to it, but a simple way to is if they are considered introverted or extroverted. Introverted individuals are normally as shy and reticent. Mlile are known to be ouW1g and overtly expressive
However, most themelves to be neither introverts nor extroverts they share a mix Of traits that define an introvert or an extrovert. Introverts and extroverts sit on two ends. Of a sgEtrum and pwple fall in On one end is the introvert. An introvert is a perwn who is more on internal thought and feelings, rather than Out external motivation. Introverts are known to be more quiet, and reflective. They are not very social and prefer to spend time in Wlitude, in quite activities, like writing, etc., which them content. æing in a like a party makes them uneasy and anxious-
On the cornplete side of the is extrovert. An extrovert is a who worries more atlRJt the external world and Extroverts are confident, enthusiastic, chatty, blunt, etc. Extroverts are sæial and tend to grow when they are not around You often run into extroverts in social gatherings, like a party where their can flourish. Introverts have to. energy in scrial situations, contrasting extroverts who gain energy from such interactions
The basic difference betæen the is that introverts are more concerned with owrl thoughts and feelings, while extroverts are more concerned in what is hapwling around them
Introverts seek their own while extroverts are more into socializing and tend to anyone. Usually, introverts are standoffish and only have a few close Extroverts have multiple friends and welcome new friends with ease. Introverts Often to quiet and, and extroverts normally talkative. introverts think and analyze the situation. Extroverts, on the Other hand, are blunt at nature and sgnks whatever is on their mind. Extroverts are with external and introverts on internal world
Preventing Animal Extinction in the UAE Introduction In essence, the UAE has been at the forefront Of protecting endangered SCECies from extinction and prornoting an incrernent in their mulation, by putting up