أوراق عمل Reading Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

أوراق عمل Reading Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

أوراق عمل Reading Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث


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الفصل: انجليزي الصف الرابع
المادة: لغة انجليزية صف رابع الفصل الثالث
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أوراق عمل Reading Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث

– Aisha lives with her family in Ajman. She has three older brothers and five younger sisters. They like to play together

– Rashid likes playing football very much. He usually plays football with his brothers. He never plays football at

– There are lots Of ways that you can help at school You might tell your friends when they have written gHd sentences in class. You may help your friend when they are not sure how to spell a word

– My grandmother said that being a good means being kind to all living things. My grandmother is my heroine as she is kind to every living thing and taught me to be the same

 Firefighters will have flying jetpacks so they can fly up to the high skyscrapers and fight the fires. The jetpack firefighters will be able to reach the higher floors more easily and more quickly. Firefighters are people who do amazing things to help other

– I usually wake up at 5.00 am and I wash my face, I get dressed and eat breakfast. I always walk to school, which starts at 7.00 am. My school closes from twelve to 2.(H) pm. During this time, I often go home to eat lunch

– I go to a very big school in the town where I live

There are more than 800 children at my school, so you can choose lots Of different children to make friends with. we’ve got an enormous playground so there’s lots of space to run around

-R0b0ts can go to places where it is hard for people to go. They can take photos, they can measure things or they can collect things for scientists to study

A. Helping at school

B. Aisha’s Family

C. Robots

D. Playing Football

E. My heroine

F. Big schools

G. Daily routine

H. Firefighters

Read the titles. Draw a line to the correct text

I. A young inventor

2. Robots in hospitals

3. Big screens

4. House chores

5. Favourite subject

6. How can we stav

A- In hospitals, robots help doctors. A doctor sits at a computer and shows the robot what to do. The robot arms hold tiny tools and lights. The tiny tools can reach places that a doctor’s hands can’t reach, like inside a patient’s brain

B- Adeeb al Baloushi is a twelve -year -old inventor from Dubai. He started inventing when he was nine. First he helped his father with a new kind Of artificial leg. Then he decided to help his mother. It was hard for her to reach under the sofa to clean. Adeeb built a robot to do the job

C- I always help my mum make the beds and dry the dishes My younger sister mops the floor and tidies the living room. There is always a lot Of laundry to do as we have a big family, but my grandmother always does this

D- At school I have lessons in Maths, Arabic , Islamic education, Science, French, Art history and Geography. My favourite subject is Geography because I like to learn about other countries

E- l’m watching a film on our big TV. I like watching films with my family on a big screen. My grandma can’t hear very well, so we put on the subtitles so she can read the words

F- Your bones grow while you sleep. Your brain and body

6. How can we stay healthy

7. Sleep

8.Computer game


F- Y0ur grow while you Your brain and body need to rest. Children need to sleep for about ten hours each night Khulood’s father gave her a new computer game ‘Digging for Dinosaurs: ‘ said ‘Brilliant! That
is exactly what I wanted.’ Khulood decided to try her new game. She switched on the computer, put the game in and looked at the screen

H -To keep your b(Kly healthy and strong you need healthy food to eat and clean water to drink. You need plenty Of exercise and plenty Of sleep. You need to keep clean

Read the text and choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences

My sister’s name is Alia. She 1. (am I is / are) ten years old. She is 2. ( old / older / oldest ) than me. She likes to 3. ( play / go / do ) swimming. She is 4. ( angry / sad / friendly), so she has many friends. She always go/ goes [going ) to school at 7:00 am. She is good at English and Arabic 6. ( but / and / too ) . She is 7. (lazy / tidy / helpful ) she always helps me with my homework At school she may share / shares / sharing ) her pencils with her friends. When she grows up she would like to be / been/ being ) a scientist

There are lots of ways that you can help at schcx) l. You might I. ( tell / tells / telling ) your friends when they 2. ( have / has / having ) written good sentences in class or spoken a lot in English. You may help your friend when they 3. ( am / is [are ) not sure how to spell a word. It is 4. ( unimportant / important / not imprtant ) that you do what your teacher 5. ( ask / asks / asked ) you and are 6. ( kind / unkind / greedy ) to everyone. Ask your teacher if you may help to clean the board, 7. ( tidy / untidy / not tidy ) the classrcx)m. You may ask your friends if 8. ( they / we / I ) need help. When you are 9. ( leam / leams / learning ) English, be polite and say ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’


Read the texts and choose the correct answer A, B or C

Aisha wakes up at 6 AM every day She eats breakfast at 7 AM and goes to school at 8 AM 1. What time does Aisha eat breakfast

A. at 6AM

B. at 7AM

C. at 8 AM

In the morning, Aisha gets dressed and eats pancakes for breakfast. She doesn’t like bread or eggs

2. Aisha eats ……….. for breakfast

A. eggs

B. bread

C. Pancakes

Rashid lives in a small village in the countryside. His school isn’t very big

3. Rashid’s school is

A. big

B. enormous

C. small

Tariq likes watching a film on his phone. He loves watching films on a small screen because he can watch them by himself

4. Tariq likes watching films

A. alone

B. with friends

C. with family

Robots can take photos, they can measure things or they can collect things for scientists to study

5. What can robots do ? They can

A. study

B. take photos

C. learn

Adeeb al Baloushi is a twelve- year- old inventor from Dubai. He started inventing when he was nine

. When did Adeeb Start inventing ? He started inventing when he was

A. 12

B. 10

The LIAE has the tallest skyscraper in the world. It is called the Burj Khalifa, which is in Dubai. It is nearly 830 metres tall and has 163 floors


 أوراق عمل Reading Exam اللغة الإنجليزية الصف الرابع الفصل الثالث, الصف الرابع, انجليزي الصف الرابع, لغة انجليزية صف رابع الفصل الثالث

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