أوراق عمل Pop Quiz 1 مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول

أوراق عمل Pop Quiz 1 مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول

أوراق عمل Pop Quiz 1 مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول


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المادة: انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول
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أوراق عمل Pop Quiz 1 مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول

Grade 7 General

Part 1

Pop Quiz 1

Class       Date

Read the email messages about meeting new people on the first day of school. For questions 1 -7 match the texts (A- C) to the questions. You can use each letter more than once

There is one example

New Faces and New Names

Being back in school is okay. I’m happy to be with my friends again. We’ve been together sinæ Grade 1, so we are like a family. I usually sit with Ismael, but we have a new student, and the new Islamic teacher wants me to help him. His name is Hasan and his family just moved here to A1 Ain from Sharjah. He’s okay, but a little scared and shy. I think I’ll invite him to my house on Saturday

Ms. Mariam is still our Islamic teacher, but we have a new Arabic teacher. Her name is Ms. Asma and she’s from Umm A1 Quwain. She says that we must not forget our native language and we must always try to write perfectly in Arabic. We also have a new teacher for English. She’s called Ms. Megan and she’s from Scotland. She us “lassies” and we thought it was something bad. After she told us that “lass” means girl, we laughed

Tcxiay was my first day in an intemational school. JCE.e sits next to me in class. He’s from Spain and his family moved to Abu Dhabi in August. His English is very gocxf

Hans is also new, but I don’t know anything about him he didn’t I think he’s from Germany. Haru is from Japan but he speaks English. He made a bow to greet the teacher, and everyone laughed. Mr. Mostafa was so happy. He said full marks for Haru


Grade 7 General    Pop Quiz 1

Example: Who was asked to help a new student

Who is a student in a new school

Who has two new teachers

Who met someone who didn’t say anything all day

Who wants to invite the person they met home at the weekend

Who learned a new English word

Who has the same Islamic teacher as last year

Who is close to everyone in class


Part 2

Grade 7 General   Pop Quiz 1

Read this email from Ali to Hasan. For questions 8 -14, choose the correct answer (A -C)

There is an example

Dear Hasan

Welcome to our class. I don’t know what it’s like to be in a new school, but I think it will help you to know more about the people

Mr. Khaled, the principal, is very busy, but you should always greet him. He thinks English is important, so he likes to ask students to spell English words. If you try to stay away from him, he will find you! I always greet him in Arabic, but I know that he will ask me to spell something in English

You met our teachers today. Mr. Abdul teaches Maths, Mr. Rahim is our Islamic teacher, and Mr. Hamad is our Arabic teacher. You should always stand when they enter the room and greet them with “As Salaam Alaikum” and wait for them to tell you it’s okay to sit. If you don’t stand for Mr. Abdul, he gives you more homework

Mr Joseph is our English teacher. We also stand for him, but we greet him with “Good moming, teacher” or “Good aftemoon, teacher.” If you speak Arabic in his class, he makes your stand in front of the class and read in English. Some kids like that, but I don’t, so I try to speak only English in his class

I will tell you about the other teachers tomorrow, because I have to do my homework now. See you tomorrow

Your new friend


EXAMPLE Who is the principal

A. Mr. Hamad

B. Mr. Rahim

C . Khaled

 Who likes it when students speak English

A. Mr. Hamad and Mr. Joæph

B. Mr. Rahim and Mr. Joseph

C. Mr. Khaled and Mr. Joæph

. What does the English teacher do if you speak Arabic in class

A. He you rnore hornework

B. He makes you read in front of the class

C. He makes you in front of the class

. What dæs Mr. Khaled want to hear from students

A. numbers

B. letters

C. grammar

 What should Ali do when he æes Mr Khaled in the offce

A. græt him

B. sit down

C. stay away

. What ciæs the Maths teacher do if you don’t stand when you greet him

A. He gives you extra homework

B. He tells you to read in front of the class

C. He asks you a word


Answer Key


G7. Read level- appropriate narratives in print or digital format and interact with the text proficiently and independently

G7.3. I .1. I .6 Read level- appropriate narratives in print or digital format and interact with the text proficiently and

G7.3.8.I.1.1 Use context to determine the meaning of words and phrases

G7.3. I .1. I .6 Read level- appropriate narratives in print or digital format and interact with the text proficiently and independently

G7.3. I .1.2.2 Make straightforward inferences supported by evidence from the

G7. Analyse nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations

G7.3.8.I.1.1 Use context to determine the meaning of words and phrases

G7. Read level- appropriate emails in print or digital format and interact with the text proficient

G7. Read level- appropriate emails in print or digital format and interact with the text proficiently and independently

G7. Analyse nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations

G7.3. I .1.1.9 Read level- appropriate emails in print or digital format and interact with the text proficiently and independently

G7. Read level- appropriate emails in print or digital format and interact with the text proficient

G7. Determine a theme or central idea of a text, and how it is conveyed through particular details

G7. Determine a theme or central idea of a text, and how it is conveyed through particular details

 أوراق عمل Pop Quiz 1 مع الحل اللغة الإنجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الأول, الصف السابع, انجليزي الصف السابع الفصل الاول, لغة انجليزية الصف السابع

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